Sessions, fees and our daily routine:
9 am-12 pm and 12.30 pm- 3.30 pm Afterschool session until 5pm
£22.50 per session (morning or afternoon). Indoor and outdoor play whatever the weather so please bring appropriate clothing. Milk and water is always available. A healthy snack will be provided mid morning and mid afternoon
Lunch Club:
12 pm -12.30 pm
£6.00 per lunch club. This includes a snack mid morning such as fruit and porridge, a healthy vegetarian meal for lunch, such as vegetable korma and an afternoon snack, such as fruit and yogurt. Water and milk are always available to drink.
Before and afterschool club
If you need your child to be looked after for longer hours please get in touch.

Our daily routine:
Children will be welcomed, at the gate, by a member of staff at the start of each session. Each child will be shown where to hang their coat and bag before choosing where to play. A member of staff will tick each child into the register as they arrive. Once parents have gone, the gate will be locked and the children will be able to choose between indoor and outdoor play, moving between the two as they wish.

Our daily routine:
At around 9.30 am, 'The cafe' will be set up (with the children if they would like to help). We have toast, cereal, fruit, milk or water available for snack time and sometimes other things, such as croissants or pancakes.Â
On Wednesdays we sometimes visit the market, to collect fruit and veg with the children.
Before eating their snack, we make sure that all the children take off their coats, wash their hands thoroughly and sit down at the table. We talk to the children about the importance of cleanliness and we model and actively support good table manners. When they have finished eating and drinking we ask the children to tidy up after themselves and put their dirty pots in the washing up bowl.

Our daily routine:
At 11.30 am the children are asked to begin tidying up in preperation for lunch time. Staff model how to tidy the toys away, encouraging the children to do the same. At 11.45am, the children are asked to line up and walk to the carpet area for songs and stories. At midday, a lunch register is taken, those children who are staying for lunch are asked to wash their hands and sit at the table. The rest of the children are collected by their parents.
After lunch there is more free play, with a snack at about 2pm, usually cheese and crackers or fruit and yogurt, and a drink (sometimes we bake for snack), tidy up time just is before 3pm, then a story and songs. The day ends at 3.30pm.